Things That Happened In July
We went Up North for The Fourth of July:
We forced Mr F to express his latent heritage at The Cedar Polka Fest:
Kid sported this amazing unicorn towel turban:
Baby blew the minds of everyone on Face Book with this drawing:
Baby made me take a picture of this crazy pumpkin shaped grape:
Big Boy tried to get used to his new blog reader (he is unimpressed):
We met up with Kid's boyfriend and his family:
Kid let me cut 5.5" off of her glorious locks:
And loved it:
We went back Up North:
We found a bat on our bedroom ceiling at 2 AM:
(I also got bit by bedbugs... not pictured... you are welcome)
We played at this park on the beach in Traverse City
and couldn't think of one single reason not to move there:
My hysterical niece with her beloved Biscoff Spread:
And admittedly superior rotisserie s'more technique:
Kid decided she's playing the flute this year in the 5th grade band:
Baby broke-ish her arm (still waiting final x-rays tomorrow):
We went to visit my 100 year old Nana:
She schooled us in Hopscotch:
This one finally lost her crazy hillbilly tooth:
This dick took a shit INSIDE of our washing machine:
Kid accused Baby of being a hoarder:
(It takes one to know one)
And last, but certainly NOT least, a skunk sprayed the side of our house last night at 2 AM.
Our windows were open.
There is no way to adequately describe how horrific the smell of a direct skunk hit is.
It is not that weirdly sweet smell of a skunk at a distance.
Or those old school scratch & sniff stickers.
It is so strong it makes you nauseous.
Like unbelievably strong burnt garlic.
And there is seemingly no way to get the smell out of the house.