Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Today There Was Sun

and a picnic lunch...

and water...

and sand...

and ice cream cones...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We've Been Back On The Road Again

Staying HERE while we visit with our extended PA family...
Unfortunately the weather has yet to cooperate fully.

We went HERE with my whole family for an afternoon of danger...
Where I fretted over Baby's inability to not just jump without looking at a) what she was jumping on or b) the depth of water... despite repeated warnings and several slippery rock incidents. I still can't believe we made it out of there without a broken ankle or skull. Some things are just not Baby-proof.

and HERE for an afternoon of old timey carnival rides and wooden roller coasters...
You may recall that I took my kids out here a couple of years ago when Baby was 2 or so and she kept climbing out of the moving kiddie rides. Thankfully this time she did not. My brother was kind of enough to help me with her (Mr F is not along) and we traded Baby while the other took Kid along with the big kids on the real rides. He got her a giant cotton candy during one of his turns. She liked being with him better ;)

Tomorrow might give us some sun, finally! So we're staying one more day in hopes of playing at the beach. Then we hit the car for another 9 hour drive home.
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