So since we last spoke of it, truthfully, not much has happened.
The other day (Sunday) after walking down the street to the cider mill and bringing home cider and fresh donuts, we sat on our screened in porch and ate.
Mr F said "I'm really happy."
and lately I'm just enjoying that I don't have to live through a life and a circumstance that was kind of killing my spirit.
More so than I really could stop and take in or I would have stopped trying to change them.
So I guess don't give up.
Some people (few) know exactly the crazy CRAZY financial risk we took in moving here.
And maybe one day I'll outline it because it's kind of interesting.
Anyway, I made the decision that we should come.
(Mr F wouldn't have risked it... he's not so much the risk taker in the family)
Well, if you're a long time reader you may recall that we moved to Asheville two years ago and then pretty much anything and everything possible went wrong.
It was just impossibly tough and the hits just kept coming.
More than you even were forced to bear witness to.
And then, after literally crying and begging the Gods to turn back time...
This opportunity came up to come back.
But it was a bad deal.
Only a complete crazy person would have walked away from what we had for what we were going to have to live on.
But I am completely crazy.
And I knew that it was risky.
But I also knew that it was a risk worth taking.
And it stood to be the ultimate chance to rework our cards.
And the crazy thing is...
That just as quickly as everything went bad in Asheville...
Everything has gone well here.
Mr F got freelance work from his NC job which more than made up the financial deficits of the new one.
Then he snagged another high paying freelance gig.
We weren't here so he had nothing better to do but work like crazy.
We sold our house.
He got a raise so he's actually making a living wage and doesn't need to work around the clock.
And then we moved.
There was never an off month.
Things transitioned perfectly.
Right after we moved in, new bigger paycheck coming, his NC freelance gig ended.
So we're all together, in a house that's massively more affordable, in a good school district (no more tuition)... I mean no joke our monthly expenses with just those two changes are about 1500 less.
And we can now buy groceries, and go out for dinner, and buy *hot* new school clothes without having an anxiety attack.
And I can actually decorate this house.
And like my life.
Our house is messy... but... you know what? I don't really care. I'm relishing the opportunity to be lazy. I might not have gotten that spa weekend... but I don't
have to put the clean clothes away if I don't want to. And that's feeling pretty good.
That I'm the master of my own destiny.
That I can spend the day walking to the library, and taking Baby out for an ice cream cone (shh don't tell Kid), and listening to Kid's plans for seducing 7 year old boys... and nothing else (well... except make breakfast, lunch, dinner, laundry, pay bills, go grocery shopping, and laugh at Baby singing "don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like
me?! with her pacie hanging from her lips... which
is really hot, you know the usual).
It feels pretty good.
I'm feeling more like me.
I even bought a fashionable hat.
"Maybe that's a little too fashionable" Kid said.
Mr F said I looked like a cancer patient.
I looked in the mirror and thought... yes, but is that a
bad thing?
Maybe soon I'll start exercising...
Oh and the decor:
Bought this runner at Target ($89)

I'll try and get another one or two to finish out the hall way.
I've also decided to dabble in re-upholstery.
I'm starting with my headboard. It's seen better days. We've had it for 9 years. It
is was white. Don't mind the movers saran wrap (see I don't have to do things anymore... like take that off).

For $12 bucks I got this fabric (

So if it's terrible, whatever. No big deal.
I'm painting the room a similar grey to what we had in NC... I think the headboard (which honestly is mostly swallowed by pillows) is going to be a super fun pop against the wall. And I can always change it.
I also got this small bit of fabric (mistake... should have gotten more)($3)

to either make a valance for our door window in our kitchen (it's very complimentary to the drapes we have in our living room and now in dining area of kitchen) or cover a drum shade to make a hanging pendant light over our table.. ala this...

Which is over $300.
Oh and I got this ($8) outdoor fabric on crazy clearance to upholster the tops of the basic stools we're going to use at our kitchen counter (basic stools will be painted a dark dusty blue). And to make a seat cushion for our piano bench.

I figured those cushions will take a lot of wear and this will be easiest to keep clean. either way $8!