Monday, September 16, 2013


I'm still here.  Thought I'd be here more often, but alas it is not meant to be.

You just don't get more time to yourself as your kids get older.  You just don't.  So stop thinking it.

The new school is going GREAT.  Baby is very happy that she made the switch.  It is so much more developmentally appropriate.  I really hope that Kid can get a spot for middle school next year.

The two schools 20 miles apart starting and ending at the same time thing? ... yeah... ROUGH.  I'm making it work but it is definitely down to the minute and reasonably stressful for me.  If I could get a carpool for Baby that would help tremendously.

I'm working out. I am successfully alternating the 90 min & 60 min workouts and letting the days that I can't do it go.  This is a major step in my usual all or nothing routine.

I'm still following the 5:2 (reduced carb version), I'm only on like week 2ish and I haven't weighed so I don't know if it is working... except... that it is totally working... in that at least 2 days a week I am eating an ideal diet and it isn't making me crazy (at all).  This might be the first thing I've ever done that I would consider a true lifestyle change and if I lose weight... bonus.... and if I just don't gain weight... awesome.  That is success.  Again, look at me not being totally all or nothing on the food front.

Am I evolving?  Or just too tired to do anything consistently?  Ha!  Either way...

Because let's face it, I am EXHAUSTED... possible result of needing to get up even earlier and it being dark in the AM, etc, that tends to really mess with me.  I think I went through this last year... I can't remember if it ever resolved itself.  If not, it's a long way until summer.  If you run into me at Meijer... please note that I haven't showered or had coffee, yet... I look better after noon.  If it is after noon... that is as good as it gets.  I blame the early menopause.  And the lack of a full length mirror.  And the fact that I grew my hair out... which looks like I decided to bushwhack through a bunch of burrs and then have a dog try and chew them out for me.  That's what it's like, folks.... on a good day. It is all kinds of crazy. Which is why you will never see it down.

Also, I hate making lunches.  pathologically.  I consider it a form of torture that could successfully break war criminals.  That's how much I hate it.  Considering the one billion blogs devoted to lunches, I'm pretty sure I'm not alone.  I've got a system that works, but between cooking/packing in the AM, cleaning out in the PM, and packing up what I can before bed... I feel like I am ALWAYS packing lunch.  Gah!

And, yeah... all of the organizational projects I thought I'd just whip through now that they are both in school full time... are... exactly where they were 3 weeks ago (or 3 months ago... or in many cases 3 years ago).  I am finding that I am strangely less productive.  Again maybe the exhaustion.  But, also, I am committed to making the working out a priority and I just need to focus on that right now.  The stuff on the counter isn't going anywhere (literally).

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