Well it turns out last week went straight to Hell. Shockingly I still managed to get in 3 hours of exercise and kick some weight loss ass. That's the upside. The downside is apparently I've been slowly destroying our familial connections. Whoops.
Onto This Week:
I feel I'm onto something with the weight loss and fine tuning my maintenance phase. I'll probably write more about that this week. As some of you know I've been kind of teetering at the very top end of my maintenance range, and while this week's loss was largely fueled by stress, I do think I've come up with a better way to stick more toward the middle.
We still don't know about the job. Mr F will be talking with them this week so lets hope I have an update on that sometime soon. I'd really like to move forward on that front but as I've said before I just can't start clearing stuff out until I have the official word. I'm somewhat paralyzed by the enormity of the project.
Menu:Monday - Tomato & Meatball Soup
Tuesday - Brown Sugar & Ginger Salmon, Veggie Stirfry, and Spring Rolls
Wednesday - date night
Thursday - Tomato & Onion Salad, Hummus, Turkey & Pita
Friday - take out
Saturday - Hamburgers, Coleslaw & Watermelon
Sunday - Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad
Diet & Exercise:Monday - Friday stick to 1900 calories, Sat - Sunday stay under 2200. Mr F has some crazy freelance stuff going on so I'm not sure how much exercise I'll get to fit in... I'm hoping for 3 - 60+ cardio routines (back to the intense hill intervals).
Errands & Chores:Kid has been going through a crazy growth spurt and is eating us out of house and home. I'd been trying to limit my shopping down to one or two stores but this week I'm just going to hit them all and restock. That kid can really throw back the food!
Monday - Regular grocery store, clean stove, laundry
Tuesday - Whole Foods & Trader Joes, vacuum stairs
Wednesday - Call Accountant re: crazy ass tax penalty fee !?!?
Thursday - Kid's field trip
Rest of The Week - my mind is blanking I'll update later