Well I think the weekends are going to be the hardest part. Just because of the loneliness if nothing else. I'm used to spending the majority of my time during the week without Mr F so it doesn't feel as weird.
My goal is to take advantage of getting things done when the opportunity arises. I don't have the luxury of planning on how my days are going to turn out.... kids' moods, my mood due to their moods, house showings, etc.
Yesterday Kid was tired and sore from vomiting all day Saturday. I knew she'd just veg in front of the TV so I made sure to utilize the *free* time that offered me. While the kids watched an endless stream of cartoons I knocked out our taxes. I'm using TaxACT again this year and highly recommend it. We've even got 3 businesses, capital gains, etc., to file for and I can still manage it. I've got everything inputed and ready to go... I'm just waiting on a few final statements to come in the mail. I'm super proud of myself, it would have been really easy to just give in to being tired, and sad, and overwhelmed yesterday.
My next order of business is to force myself to workout
during the day while Kid is at school. Some of you may recall that I prefer to workout in the evenings when it is more of a stress relief and a good break from a long day with the kids. Obviously with Mr F gone this is no longer an option. I know I won't be getting a stress release out of my workouts but I need to make sure I stay on track anyway. Getting out of shape is not going to help matters! A couple of days a week I only work part-time and that gives me about an hour and a half before I need to pick Kid up. On those days I'm going to have Baby watch a DVD on my computer in her bed while I do my step aerobics workout in the living room. The other days I think I'm going to throw The 30 Day Shred in once Kid is home and the kids can play a reading program on my computer while I bust that out since it is shorter. Hopefully, pending house showings, I'll get in 4-5 weekday workouts. I'm just going to try for that. I'm not counting on the weekends.
In other fronts I've got our bedtime routine figured out and even managed to get them to bed (and sleep) on time despite the time change (honor me!!! it was still light out!). I read to Kid in her bed while Baby plays quietly (ish) in the girls' room. Then I give Kid a book to look at while I put Baby to sleep in my room. Then I come back in and snuggle Kid for a minute. This is a big change from our usual routine which was a divide and concur method splitting the kids up between Mr F and I. This is also the hardest time for Kid since she is used to having a nice long snuggle with her Dad.
With Mr F gone we don't need to hold dinner for him... which means... we can bump up our entire evening by a half an hour. (Damn the time change and it's ever brightening evenings or I might have even been able to bump it up an hour!) That should help keep me from losing my mind. As it is I'm looking at 13-14 straight hours of child contact... that's kind of my mental/physical limit.
MENU:Monday - Rotisserie Chicken, broccoli, mashed potatoes
Tuesday - Pan Seared Pork Chops, rice, veggies
Wednesday - Salmon Noodle Casserole w/ peas
Thursday - Pork & Veggie Lo Mein (reserve two pork chops from Tuesday)
Friday - out to eat
Saturday - Shrimp and Pea Pesto Pasta
Sunday - leftovers and/or breakfast for dinner
No point in recounting my cleaning/chores schedule. I clean the whole damn house all day every day.