Oh I'm mother fucking pissed off now!
As I was putting Kid to bed tonight she dropped a bomb... and it went a little something like this:
"My teacher was
so mad at one of the boys in class that she said she'd put him in
At first I was confused. But if you read
this post it will start to clarify matters.
"Why did she say that?" I asked her.
"Because he was being a baby and crying." Kid responded.
Now you should know that Kid is very observant and sensitive. She is particularly hard to get stuff out of when it bothers her... and if it bothers her she is likely to tell you like this not when you ask her how her day was. Because I did do that earlier today when I picked her up and she said "Great". But it wasn't... and what this teacher said was obviously bothering and worrying her.
For those of you who aren't sensitive to what is going on here let me break it down:
This bitch is shaming young children for being emotional. For having a hard time transitioning into a completely new (and for some intimidating) experience. This woman is telling them to fear being belittled and mocked by your teachers if you don't act in the exact way she wants you to when you go to school. This is a serious fucking problem. This program is supposed to be a stepping stone experience for incoming Kindergardeners to help them adjust to "real school" in the Fall. Their very idea of what is to come is being shaped by this woman.
My heart breaks for this poor boy who is being abused by this woman. Clearly a sensitive kid who needs some support and encouragement and all he is getting is belittled.