Yesterday I took Baby to the mall for the first time. Not the first time to a mall... the first time to the local one here in Asheville.
We were trying to snag some deals at the Land's End sale at Sears (and sadly we were a little late on that front). I parked in front of the Sears and loaded Baby in the stroller and in we went.
But before I opened the door to the store I noticed something.
A "no guns" sign on the glass of the door.
I don't know if that is supposed to make me feel safer... like "don't worry little lady with your little child no one in
here has any guns." or what? That's not exactly the feeling it gave me.
Because it would never occur to me that my fellow shoppers would be packing heat.
So when I saw the sign my heart sank and I got a pit in my stomach. Much like I did when I saw the "no gangs" sign on the local public school door when we first moved here. Or the "no guns" sign on the door of the city preschool building that I take Baby to "Mommy & Me" classes at. Or on our doctor's office door for that matter.
When I see those signs I don't think "Well... PHEW... no guns in
What the hell is going on here?
This is not a big city folks. It is less than half the size of Ann Arbor.
I'm not hanging out down by public housing. I see these signs in
my neighborhood. If you are trying to tell me my neighborhood is not safe... then it sure as hell shouldn't have cost us this much to move here.
I've lived in NYC, for crying out loud, and worked in the inner city public schools there. In NYC they had security guards sitting at desks in the front of those schools. Bring that on if there is really a problem... don't just put a sign up.
And at the Sears?!! Seriously? I have NEVER seen anything like that at any of the city stores I have ever been to. EVER.
Am I really to believe that someone toting a gun is going to see that and think "Oh shit... that's
right I can't bring that in
here... what was I
thinking?" smack their forehead and go stash it in their car?
Cause that is
not what I think.
I think... enough people are carrying guns that they need to state where it is and isn't legal to carry them.
And that scares the shit out of me.
Get me out of here.