Baby made a boat out of apple and said:
"Put this on Facebook and say:
'People say you shouldn't play with food, but actually it is really fun!'"
I declined to impart those words of wisdom on Facebook and saved it all for you.
You are welcome.
In other riveting Furious family developments, Big Boy has claimed another baby:
The girls are going to be pissed when they find out he stole their Care Bear.
Big Boy & I watched the Women Tell All episode of The Bachelor:
(mostly Big Boy, he weirdly LOVES watching things on the computer or iPad)
Interestingly, Mr F came home that night,
and I revealed I'd watched the episode
and he shouted out
I was a little surprised,
because he always acts like he is doing me a favor when he watches.
But, this isn't the first time he's become invested in The Bachelor.
Kid's class hosted Chapel with a little play this week:
She was super nervous about using the microphone.
In the end she is the only one who managed to pull off a normal moderated volume.
I made a big batch of meatballs:
I'm still more or less following a weekly menu & stocking up my freezer with double/triple batches.
It has made basketball nights totally doable.
I witnessed the cutest moment in Baby's classroom the other morning,
when a younger classmate came up and asked Baby if she'd read this book to her:
I'm so glad I was there for that. Baby is such a sweet girl and is always helping the Kindergartners in their K/1 class. There isn't a morning that goes by that a classmate doesn't come ask her to draw a certain thing, or cut something out for them, or show them how to write their name in cursive. And she always puts down what she is doing and cheerfully helps them out.
Twice this week I've had to stop my workout to get a snack. Weird.
I got these cute dresses for the girls to wear to the Rehearsal dinner in Mexico:
and this dress for Kid, which she is 100% in love with:
"Wait, I look like that?" She said when she saw the picture.
"Yep, are you surprised you look like a teenager?" I asked.
"Yeah." She replied. Me, too.
And, lastly, I've been on a serious kick with this pizza. I'm making it twice a week. Everybody freaking loves it.
It is THIS recipe.