A lot of stuff has happened:
#1 Took my car in for an oil change and found out I need IMMEDIATE $1200 repairs before I drove to MI.
So, in an effort not to kill my children, I had to postpone our drive a bit until I could get that taken care of. That money had to come out of our moving fund... so U-haul it is.
#2 Mr F did come down and scoop up the apples. Of course the trees have only shed about half, so problem solved on the short term apple front only. He also did some major basement packing, and took a load of kid stuff to Goodwill (shhh) for me. I managed to pack up all my desk stuff (paperwork, etc), all our clothes, and the kids' most important toys & art supplies. I've got the house as good and closed up as I can manage without actually moving out.
#3 We are slumming it tonight crazy Super 8 style. God. It's awful. Ever since putting my No Ho In Hotel Act (aka not staying at motels anymore do to hooker sightings and all around creepy nastiness) into action the girls and I have been living large on the road thanks to Priceline. Well... see #1... and the fact that I haven't had internet access. So here we are. I just told the girls they had to keep their underwear on! And don't sit on the floor! Or the blankets!
"So that chain lock means that if someone tried to get in our room they could only get in the length of the chain?" Kid asks.
"um... right."
And later after discovering dried blood on the pillow:
"So someone's head was bleeding in the night?" Kid asks.
"um... right."
I'm not sure the $40 saving was worth it. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's not.
So, yeah, we're headed up to Michigan. Mr F left this morning and I waited and cleaned the house and then, miracle of miracles, loaded the car and the kids up at 6 PM after the car was finished. Oh did I fail to mention after
walking with the kids to get the car in the blazing heat?! Our house is so empty (no food, no TV, no toys) that keeping the kids there for one more night would have been more painful than just hitting the road and getting as far as I could. And I'm just
done cleaning, and one more night would mean more touch up cleaning... and it's just not worth it!
Only six and a half hours to go!
And about 3 more Mc Donald's stops!
Let's hope there aren't any bedbugs.
The insect carcasses on the bathroom floor kind of make me think there are.