If you build it a shelter it will want some super expensive all natural deli turkey to go with it.
If you give it some super expensive all natural deli turkey, it will want you to groom it.
If you take it to the vet, you just might have yourself a new cat...
If you give a mouse a cookie, then you're screwed. We've read and lived the books at our house. We have an outdoor cat that introduced itself the day we moved in. A year later, we feed it and many, many other animals.....
My boys love love love the "If you give..." books. Their favorite is "...a Moose a Muffin."
my boys got their dose of "Precious" (on its tag) at grandmas last week. One of the neighbors went on vacation, and left the cat out to fend for itself. My mom hates cats, so it was pretty funny hearing that she bought cat food so that it could eat something proper.
A cat is forever once fed.
We fed a short haired grey british blue sort cat ( dumped by a neighbour) for years and it grew increasingly imperious until it got terminated accidentally.
And now two of a neighbours cats appear on our doorstep at 6:15AM everyday for food. We think they are friends ( can cats be gay?)
Maybe a new kitty at your new home once you are setttled?
(That (he/she?) is a beautiful cat!)
Cats are good friends...they are natural bug killers and defenders against RODENTS....I advise you to maintain your wonderful relationship with said kitty and enjoy an existence free of icky creatures that set up camp in your front yard whilst you are trying to sell your house! ; )
And it is a beautiful cat.....what are the girls calling it?? because you know they're naming it something cute!!! Heehee!
Kid wants to name it "Whiskers" and Baby wants to name it "Tasha". Sadly for them both it responds only to "Kitty". And Yes on the rodent front. Cats and I are on the same team!
It still keeps coming around every night around midnight for milk and the bed on the porch.
Excellent!!! I love the name "Whiskers"...."Tasha" is pretty precious too!!! Whatever you name it remember to let it be a little hungry....they catch and kill the rodentia better that way!!! Heehee...Can't wait to hear about how this works out!!!
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