Monday, January 23, 2012

Out of The Mouths Of Babes

"I hope Ben watches his shows to see how blind he really was." Kid remarks.


lucinda said...

who is Ben?

Mrs Furious said...

The Bachelor

lucinda said...

I thought it was a show about a blind man!

Mrs Furious said...

In some ways it is.

Brenda said...

Haha! The Bachelor drama never disappoints!

Sarah said...

Amen Kid!!

Julie said...

I think it is hilarious that Kid watches the show!! Hey, it is good learning for her for the future.

Mrs Furious said...

Well, this season has been a LOT more physical than the last two... so... it's been a bit more questionable. But she loves it, I think in a weird way it is educational. She is very astute on emotional stuff so she can easily figure things out that the Bachelor can't... the whole beauty not actually reflecting someone's personal quality, intelligence, & character is very evident and we talk about that a lot. Plus her feedback is always so funny and spot on. "Well, if you didn't want him to kiss 25 other women you shouldn't have come on the Bachelor!"
What is really funny is that Mr F is so sucked in. It's on during Baby's bedtime but he keeps stretching it out later and later so that he won't miss anything. Which means Baby now plays the Bachelor with polly pockets and recently had a girl being carted off in a carriage saying "I'm sorry I have to go, the mean girls didn't like me."

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