Thursday, September 6, 2012

Preach It Sister

"I'm starting to think I don't even want to go to that fucking school."  Kid says (somewhat sheepishly) over her homework.


Brenda said...

:( Sorry it wasn't an easier adventure. Will you keep Baby there?

Mrs Furious said...

Yes, we're keeping Baby in since it's the only 1/2 program around... and it's been a great experience for her.

I just emailed the teacher and we're going to meet and talk about it tomorrow after school. We're going to give it one more week and see if it improves. Tonight she had 7 assignments to complete... math which will always be 45 minutes and then the remaining 6 which even if can be done in 10 minutes adds another hour (and they can't... it took 2 hours and 10 minutes and in the end I foraged two stupid grammar assignments for her). I don't think the teacher has realized how much work Kid has had to bring home because it wasn't completed in class. I don't know what the deal is but I'm giving the teacher an opportunity to address it.

Brenda said...

Not for nothing, but you're not the first one to forge a busy-work assignment in the interest of saving time...

Kinder said...

Hi Mrs Furious,

Is it possible that Kid has a learning diability? My daughter has a ld that is a disorder of written expression/dysgraphia. Part of the result of that particular LD is that it takes her extra long to write things out, etc. One of the accomodations we have made for her is that when there is a lot of copying of written work she can eitehr not do that or get someone else to scribe for her. The idea being that she should be graded/tested on her knowledge not on her ability to copy/re-produce work...

3 hours of homework is ridiculous for a kid that age....the school should be chnaging something that doesn't mean you have to remove her.

Good luck when you meet with the teacher....


Julie said...

God, I love her.

And I love that she uses the "f" word.

Again, I'd rant more, but I am straight out exhausted from my week with M.

Mrs Furious said...

thank you for sharing that... she could definitely have that. How did you get that diagnosed? Even at home I had decided to pick my battles and usually did transcribe her answers.

We had a big talk this afternoon with her teacher and I broke the teacher down until she was willing to let Kid print all her work this week. We're going to see if that helps her get more done at school and she's agreed to an hour homework limit for Kid. After an hour whatever isn't finished is done and she'll only be graded on her finished portion (allegedly).

If that doesn't improve it that's all the accommodations the teacher is willing to give and even with those I'm afraid there might be repercussions (loss of recess, etc... I made it clear that was unacceptable but I didn't get a clear read on if she was agreeing to that). We're going to give it one more week.

Anonymous said...

That sucks. Especially since it seemed so good when you guys signed up and kid seemed so excited.. Poor girl.. I really hope she doesn't blame herself.. That much homework time is ridiculous!! And loss of recess..I can see if she was talking/slacking, but if she is trying then don't take away recess! What about the whole social development? I always thought that was an important point of school! If she is just made to be left out of everything then what is the point of being there?? She would be learning more and feel better about herself at home! Craziness...

Kinder said...

Mrs Furious,

We did a standard psycho-ed evaluation to look at any learning disabilities. Here the school system will do it (may take a long time) or you can have it done privately.

It wasn't cheap, but once a LD is diagnosed, the school "has" to make accomodations....

A good psycho-ed eval will also screen for ADHD, anxiety, etc. as well.


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