Wednesday, January 27, 2010

And Another One

I'm down for the count.
I haven't been this sick with a cold/flu type illness since we've moved here.
Thankfully I don't have to watch any kids today (except Baby who is hobbled by her own sickness).
Tomorrow, though, I have a full house... including maniacal two year old and loudest baby in the world.
I'm praying for a miracle cure to take place in the next 19 hours.


Anonymous said...

Ugh..hang in there.

Julie said...

Hey, maybe you can get all of those kids coming tomorrow sick so they don't have to come the next time...oh wait, no money then. Then how about a bunch of totally mellow sick kids that sleep all day. I am rooting for that.

Jenny The Bold said...

Don't be afraid to call the parents and let them know you can't do daycare if you aren't feeling up to it. Yes it sucks-no money for you. But as a parent I don't mind getting the call-I get to stay home with my kids that day and not work! And I would rather have my kids home with me than catching a cold at the daycare. Take some time to yourself you deserve it!

Mrs Furious said...

If I'm not feeling better or on the upswing I will definitely call and cancel before bed. It is only an issue for one family but what can I do? My teeth actually hurt... no one wants that!

Shirls said...

ask yourself this, if you had any other job, would you call in sick? I think the answer should be YES!

Seriously hate when people come to work and "share" their bugs with those of us who are fighting to stay healthy. Just cause you work at home doesn't mean you don't have the same rights, plus I'm with Jenny the Bold on this, and while I don't have kids, if I did, I wouldn't want them in a place catching something special, both for their health and the health of the rest of the family they go home to..

Shirls said...

oh and the sooner you call the more time the parents have to make other arrangements vs a call at 8 at night...


Mrs Furious said...

Thanks for everyone's input. I would not infect anyone knowingly. Seeing as Baby is already on the mend and she's about 12 hours ahead of me I think it's safe to say I'll be feeling better tomorrow. It is absolutely not about the money for me. The reality is I was with these kids on Monday & Tuesday before I knew I was sick... and they have all been sick over the last week. All of these kids go to other daycares on the other days. So I'm fairly certain this isn't a new virus seeing as I haven't left the house in over a week. For real. I'm not sneezing or coughing. No fever. I would not stay home from work at this point.

Michelle said...

GET WELL SOON!!! We still have it around here!!!

Deb said...

Have I told you my trick for sore throats? Ibuprofin. Mega doses. About 750mg on the usual timetable (I can't remember if it's every four or six hours--whatever the bottle says). Sore throats are just tissue inflammation, and there's nothing better for that than ibuprofin. And tea. Delicious tea. (All of that came straight from my doctor in San Francisco. I swear I'm not trying to kill you.)

I hope you're feeling better by now. Big hugs.

Loralei said...

For sore throats and laryngitis, I like HOT lemonade. The first sip might hurt a little...but it works! (Plus you get vitamin C.)

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