Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Big Top

The thing about a small one ring circus....

(Especially in your $2 extra ring side seats... which are LITERALLY touching the outside of the ring)

Is that your proximity to the death defying acts...

Is death defying.

Like when this tiger stared me down.

It was about 15 feet away.

With only that open cage in between us.

I almost died.

Or when this guy was walking upside down.

Right over our heads.

An elephant almost pooped IN MY LAP.

I thought I was going to be trampled by camels.

I felt the fuel accelerant on my face when the human volcano spit fire

And it was all worth it.

100% exhilarating.

Totally worth the 2 hours there and back.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

What an awesome weekend to wind up the summer! The carnival and the circus looked so fun! I love that wholesome family fun. Great photos too!

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