BUT it is a hell of a lot better than it had been. Remember the crazy bomb shelter look? With the bed broken apart and strewn around the very small room? Yeah that was a nightmare.
So in the end I did lay down our old dining room rug (which just fit) and hung the velvet curtains (also from the dining room) over the bed. The white bedside tables I had been using in our old house looked WRONG in here so I'm using a little dark stained sewing cabinet from my grandmother (will search Target for something for the other side). I'm resisting the urge to fill this space with furniture. I've got a beautiful antique cherry secretary, that had been my great grandmothers opposite the bed, that functions as my dresser. Still to come... a new paint job (thinking a pale pewter color) and some kind of subtle window treatment for the other set of windows which over look the screened in porch.
It looks fantastic!
What did Oprah say?
I love the window behind the bed. Absolutely love it.
YAY for you!!
you know, it's nice. lovely in fact. but i have to say, the rug just doesn't fit in. just doesn't work for me ;-)
well Oprah is a big believe that your bedroom should be a sanctuary and that you can tell what state a person's life is in by how their bedroom is. It might be true..
yeah sorry about that. It almost didn't fit... it was a close one.
Yea for a comforting place to be! I love the idea of soft pewter walls. Now you have a few places you can go hide when the rest of unpacking starts to drive you nuts. PS- glad you found some places in Aville that you like.... to visit ;)
I like it!
Well, we're living in a weird limbo right now (husband changed companies and I am trying to pack our house--it's been months now) and my bedroom is a DISASTER! So, maybe Oprah's on to something...makes me want to clean my room (wouldn't change our situation, LOL, but it'd make me feel better!).
Purdy. And if possible your typing actually sounds calmer...
Hear, hear Oprah! You know how much better I started feeling when I got that crazy elliptical out of my bedroom!
Wouldn't it be great of one of the Oprah producers started reading your blog, and was like, we should get Mrs. F on the show! And then they gave you a show a la that crackfiend Rachel Ray?
Not that you're a crackfiend... I think.
And then they gave you a show a la that crackfiend Rachel Ray? That would be awesome. Of course, I would HAVE to be on the show with you...a la Oprah's Gail or something:) Kind of like the Ed McMahon of Mrs F's show. Or Andy from Conans's show (except I am really not nearly as fat as either of those guys...but I could be if needed for ratings;) )
lookin good, and those quiche looked yummy!
It looks great! Our bedroom only looks that glam on Saturday (clean-up day), and is a shambles the rest of the week. Does it make me a bad person that I don't make the bed every day? Lord knows my mother tried...
"Now you have a few places you can go hide when the rest of unpacking starts to drive you nuts"
It's like a haven compared to the rest of the house ;)
Oh I feel your pain! If I hadn't had to get everything down as quickly as I did... I can only imagine the state I could have worked myself up into ;)
"Wouldn't it be great of one of the Oprah producers started reading your blog, and was like, we should get Mrs. F on the show! "
Umm... YES!
Dear Oprah producers,
I'm available. Call me.
Mrs F
You're hired!
Thanks. Quiche is super easy... especially when the Dough Boy helps you out ;)
When are you having that baby?!
make the bed?! Yeah that's a one time deal.
Oprah's so right.
Love the pewter walls. That headboard is gorgeous.
Agreed -- it looks fantastic!
Mrs. F- Everything looks great! Really clean and strack, which is always so hard to achieve in a bedroom.
One suggestion- your curtain rods are way to low. It will make your windows and room look much larger (and more polished ) if you move them up to just a couple of inches below the molding. Then add fabric and trim to the bottom of your existing drapes to make them reach the floor.
It would make a huge statement in that room.
the problem with the drapes is the 11 foot ceilings! I'm just going to cover this side with another bedside table then you can't tell they don't reach the ground. The hardware is placed just under the top trim... they really can't be moved any higher as they have to mount flush.
Looks fabulous!! I hope the outlook continues to improve. I've been thinking about you!! BTW, Kid looks TOOO cute minus the tooth!
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