Friday, July 2, 2010

Wait For It

"No, no, no!" Mr F reprimands Baby one night.

"You can't put a toothbrush in your butt crack." I hear him continue.

Baby mumbles something in return.

"Is your butt that itchy?" He asks.

Baby mumbles something in return.

"You need to put Sissy's toothbrush back on the counter." He finishes.


Julie said...

Does the 5 second rule apply to butts?

Mrs Furious said...

lol... I hope so.

(and yes we are at The Cougars)

Sarah said...

i'm the oldest of three girls. you would not believe the things they "came out with" as the years passed of the disgusting things they did. hmmmm, now i'm wondering if i ever used a toothbrush that was in one of their butt cracks!

Mrs. Smitty said...

I laughed, but then suddently thought with the 3 boys, this conversation is probably in my future...

G in Berlin said...

That was LOL funny:).

Noah said...
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Noah said...

That was the most adorable tale of unintentional malicious intent I have ever read. My ass itches but I'll be damned if I use my toothbrush to scratch it; butts are dirty.

Baby is smart, devious, and innocent. Love it.

this conversation is probably in my future...

Too late. Thing 1 used Jr's toothbrush to "clean" that terrifying sink of his a few nights ago. Thing 2 stood by and cheered him on.

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