3 oz pork tenderloin (roasted with a rub of thyme, salt & pepper.. marinated in worcestershire sauce)
1 T apple butter
2 cups steamed haricot verts w/ 1 t butter
1/2 c rice pilaf
380 calories
"Did you eat all the pork?"
"Um... Yeah" Mr Furious replys a little nervously
"Okay, that was like 3 servings worth of pork." I snippily explain
"I guess I did go back in for more.. Did you need it for something?"
I would take that as a compliment if I weren't so furious right now.
That dinner looks awesome! Chris made your fajitas tonight and so dinner was delicious. The spices really made the chicken.
Been there. All the time. Think I have my lunch for work the next day and lo and behold--"someone" got hungry late at night...Hate that!
2 cups steamed haricot verts w/ 1 t butter
Is that fancy Michigan talk for green beans?
Is that fancy Michigan talk for green beans?
actually it is a type of green bean.. they are smaller and have no strings. I buy them frozen... they are fantastic!
what's up with your pic by the way?
Chris made your fajitas tonight and so dinner was delicious
I'm so glad! I love to hear when the recipes turn out :)
Hey Eileen!
Yeah I could have killed that little piggie!
It's not like I don't plan all this shit out... grrrrrr!
How's your weight loss going?
what's up with your pic by the way?
?? It looks fine to me. Is it missing for you? I think gravatar slows down sometimes.
Is it missing for you?
it's back.
Weight loss? What weight loss? Hee, hee. I never had a chance to respond to your blog a few days back...last week sometime. The one about you being totally in a rut and frustrated, etc. That was me exactly. I just got overwhelmed last week by everything and felt on the verge of a mental collapse. I literally could not balance my life and my responsibilities and barely exercised at all. didn't count calories and was all over the place--even if I did well eating all day, I'd suddenly blow it at night just munching mindlessly. Even when I know I am doing it, when you feel like crap, sometimes you can't get yourself to care! We had two deaths to deal with too--Tim's friend (age 40)-- totally sudden and a friend's newborn (6 weeks or so)baby. It made it hard to care, in a way. I really had a week of the blues. But this week is going better. I bought a white-board weekly calendar to hang in the kitchen to help me planning my food/dinners. So far it hasn't worked. Twice I had to switch it up b/c I got home later than planned to start cooking what I had penciled in. Yesterday Finn erased it. Which is fine, since it wasn't that relevant anymore! I walked on my lunch break Monday, treadmill yesterday. I plan to walk again at lunch today but it's hard--I have so much else to get done I have to force myself to choose exercise b/c I am always tempted to put it off thinking, "If I get x and y done, I will feel so much better." Sorry to write so much--this is like my diary or something! But I love the blog, besides making me laugh, it helps keep me on track.
Jesus.. I'm sorry to hear about the deaths :( They are both tragic!
as for mindless munching you need some gum. As soon as i'm done with dinner I'm chewing gum ALL night ..I stop while eating my dessert ;).. then back in. It took me a long time to get over my fourthmeal habit. Now I eat my dessert 2 hours after dinner and about 2-3 hour before bed and I'm not hungry after that anymore. I used to feel I needed to eat before bed or I'd wake up in the night hungry (and I would and now I don't so hmmm)... oh the things we tell ourselves ;)
the erase board is a great idea.. I need to do that!
Just watched a video clip of some guy who had been kicked off TBL--one of the twins. Anyhoo--he has lost like 134 pounds--and counting. Said two things that stood out for me--he thinks biggest weight loss tool is the food journal--which I know but still suck at. And the other was just a neat little quote that I plan to repeat to myself when I am feeling sluggish or lazy..."The only way to get it done is to get it started." :)
yeah I saw that... he rocks!
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