The skirt is a cable knit sweater skirt and it is grey.
I love both of these but are the textures clashing?!
I'm leaving in 20 minutes!
Okay this is my other option...
Alright after putting these up I see that I should probably wear the black skirt. So I'm going to err on that side unless some sympathetic big eaters want to weigh in and support the comfy warm cozy grey skirt!
(pay no attention to the streaks on the fridge... I just told Mr F I never want stainless again... really think about that people when you get a fridge with the water dispenser)
OOOO I'm the first to comment! Black skirt. The two textures of the others no worky.
Black Mrs. F! Black!
Ok, it's too late but BLACK! Tis better to look good than to feel good...
Hope you enjoyed!
you definitely made the right choice with the black.
Even though you're already gone by now, black. No question.
Let me give you a little tip about stainless. Put a few drops of baby oil on a soft cloth or paper towel and go over the surface after cleaning it. It makes it feel silky smooth and resists fingerprints and such. Also...I agree the black skirt looks better.
OK, the decision has already been made, but black! :)
Fear not I went black.
I had that feeling they didn't work... but I'm telling you taking off that comfy cozy skirt was hard to do. But I did. I also froze my ass off.
So what was the fete for which you squeezed into the slinky number? :)
Oh, I missed the deadline - you are already out!
I thought the grey looked lovely, until I looked at the black, and the black one looks smoking hot!!
Hope you have fun!
I know it's too late, but black. Although I would have probably found a different top and stuck with the grey if "all you can eat" was in the plans.
The Cougar sent us a check so we could go out to dinner. It didn't have to be fancy... but... we never go out so I thought I'd bust out my BEST Target ware.
Literally everything I wore was from Target.
By the way ladies the grey skirt, which really looks good in person with a more subdued shirt, is $19.99 at Target. It's a wool blend and is really warm. The weight gives it a good hang too. I highly recommend it. Plus I've worn it like 5 times and it hasn't lost it's shape yet. Slightly itchy at the waistband (elastic baby) but I'm pretty sensitive to wool and I can put up with it... not too itchy that I can't forget it about it.
I was very FULL. I managed though. Maybe the tightness actually kept me from going totally overboard!
You look gorgeous!
Please tell about your dinner out! With kids or without?? Hopefully just the two of you (and I don't mean Baby and you;) )
My grandmother sent us a check for a date night yesterday. We put it to immediate use. It timed out perfectly with the sleepover so we didn't even need to hire a sitter!
The Cougar rocks.
Cougar IS awesome and you looked like the glad you went with the black!!!
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