Friday, November 30, 2012

She's Making A List

"I'm not buying a giant box of Junior Mints."  Mrs F admonishes Baby.

"Fine.  I'll put them on my Running Away List."  Baby replies.

"Why do you need Junior Mints when you run away?"  Mrs F queries.

"I don't need them to run away."  Baby explains, exasperated.

"I'm putting them on my list of why I'm running away."  She continues.

If you'd like to see Baby in a holiday performance, fear not, there is still time... and plenty of them.

You can catch her in Concordia University's Boar's Head Festival this Saturday
December 1st at 7:30 PM.
Ann Arbor, MI
($8-$15 tickets)

Having seen the rehearsal I can say this is a pretty good holiday production.  No need to pay more for the expensive seats.

Baby and Kid are also performing in the Messiah at the Concordia University Chapel
Sunday, December 16th at 2 PM.
Ann Arbor, MI

Again, if there is anything I've learned in the past few months it is that the Lutherans know music.  
I haven't seen the rehearsals for this yet, but I'm sure it will be fantastic.

Baby will be in a small holiday tap dance recital at 
Dancer's Edge Dance Studio
Thursday, December 20th at 12 PM.
Dexter, MI

Baby is also dancing in a ballet performance as part of a Christmas Eve service 
at the Dexter United Methodist Church.
Monday, December 24th 4:30 PM.
Dexter, MI

If you are around and in need of a little holiday cheer... you know where to go.


wootini said...

She's so beautiful Mrs. F! I would love to see all of their performances - too bad we are so far away. :(

WHEN did she get so big???


Mrs Furious said...

I'm kind of excited to have a kid that truly likes to perform. I always hated it and had terribly anxiety, and Kid is (not surprisingly) similar and chooses to avoid it if possible.

Nutmeg said...

Your little Santa Lucia! I hope you guys have a great season with all that performing! You should take a video for all of us who live a thousand miles away.

Brenda said...

The photos of her twirling are so lovely... and are you methodists now?
So fun to have an outgoing one. My oldest has told me he even loves giving oral reports at school. He always turns them into something funny and entertaining and, believe it, he loves getting the laughs. I, on the other hand, used to always try to get out of talking in front of class; fake sick, or much anxiety!

Mrs Furious said...

I'll definitely get some videos up!

No the Methodist church is a fail. It is a large church with a huge kids program... so we've been trying it since September but we haven't met anyone so it's a social fail. And we've really tried... gone to every event, etc. Nobody has tried to help us getting connected socially. It's kind of strange. Maybe it's too big? Plus the sermons are a little weird. After Christmas we're pulling out.

Brenda said...

Sorry to hear that about the church. We tried for a while at our methodist church too (where we were married), since I was raised methodist. After they got a new minister it was never the same. The minister that married us was brilliant and an excellent speaker. It made all the difference.

Mrs Furious said...

Yes, I totally agree. If the sermons aren't good it just feels like a horrible time suck. And I have no chance of getting Mr F to go. It's pretty hard to find a place that fits our social views, has good sermons, and a good children's program. We actually don't mind the Lutheran church that their school is associated with.. but it's a 1/2 hour away and we already drive that way 5 days a week. Also they don't have Sunday School during church which is my preference.

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