Monday, March 24, 2008

A Day In The Life


Heather said...

This one was almost boob level. Almost. :)

I can't tell if that's a lot or not -- I think it depends on what you're used to, you know?

Mrs Furious said...

"This one was almost boob level. Almost."
LOL... I'll try harder next time ;)

Today was pretty successful. I got the sink cleaned, the whole downstairs vacuumed, my plan done, and the laundry going.... on top of the usual meals, dressings, nursings, bills, etc. The house is totally clean at 5:45 and that is saying something! I really don't know how people do more than this though... I really don't. I'm just done with everything now and will turn around and start dinner in a few minutes. I'd love to watch a nannycam of other people's houses!

Julie said...

You vacuumed, too? I always feel like I accomplished a lot if I have vacuumed...

Mrs Furious said...

"I always feel like I accomplished a lot if I have vacuumed"
lol... me too... mostly because I guess it at least looks like I did something if I vacuum.
Of course now that Mr F is home the house looks like shit again!
I definitely did more than usual today... I can tell because I've been really pissed off at Mr F since he walked in the door... that is always a sure sign!

Deb said...

Wow... I usually consider Mondays my day off, so I'm impressed that it's your most productive day. Today was the exception, because Hubby has invited friends (his) to dinner tomorrow night, so the house has to be reasonably presentable.

Kiki said...

Whew, I was exhausted by the time you put the first load of wash in and was ready for a nap. Mrs. F you have got your stuff together!!!
If you put a nannycam in my home, it would show me with EVERY tv on in the house so as I go room to room I am still watching, and goodness knows if something really captures my attention whatever I was doing will be forgotten as I sit down to watch!!!

Mrs Furious said...

I typically take Fridays off. I have my chocolate croissant I think of it as an early start to the weekend. But I overachieved today and Mr F paid the price tonight... I was reaching divorce level fury over misc clutter. I will say he stepped up and realized that I'm really fucking serious that he needs to *match* my effort and he did meet my requirements re: last nights discussion that I'll title "100%". You know completing tasks not just taking them to 85%?!

Mrs Furious said...

thank you... I really feel I put in a hard days work today!

now what are you watching that is so captivating?!

Heather said...

I almost LOL about the 85% -- aint that the truth. The great news about Pete is that he's great at starting projects, where I procrastinate. The bad news -- he never fucking finishes things. I tell you, he unloads and loads that dishwasher, but the counters can be absolutely filthy and he won't notice. A few weeks ago, I cleaned the kitchen fully, putting shit away and cleaning the counters, the stove, the microwave, etc. He was like, wow! I thought yeah, this is what 100% is dude!

Mrs Furious said...

I was planning to do a post about it... I will I think a lot of women can relate. Seriously... last night I gave a thorough talk about it... pointed out examples of 100% and 85%. Then kept asking "how far are we going to take it?" and then responding since he was of course mute as usual "100%!" God I love when Mr F and I have one of our little "discussions" ;)

emmyjw said...

Mondays are crazy for me too even though it is the only day we don't have an outside activity. I vacuumed too;) I even cleaned the kitchen floor on hands and knees and very conveniently Nolan said Conner could have 2 friends over,easy for him since he was at work all day... Anyways,I think the men don't always think it looks like we did much but we never stop moving and if we didn't do all the stuff we do man it would all fall apart! The other thing is when Nolan is sick he lays on the couch and I wait on him. When I am sick life has to go on as usual with me doing it all and feeling crappy which I'm sure is the case for you too. Those days when you actually get it all done in spite of the kids are exhausting though. I am rambling on and on to say it is a lot and I think most people don't realize how much work it is when your kids are home with you and how much more mess and cooking that means.

Mrs Furious said...

"I think most people don't realize how much work it is when your kids are home with you and how much more mess and cooking that means."
I think a lot of people who drop their kids off at school/daycare don't ever really think about the 9 hours of mess, cooking, etc that goes on. I always feel like "sure your house is clean no one is home from 8 - 6!"

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