Tuesday, March 2, 2010

May I Suggest

If your house is on the market you might want to...

NOT do your step aerobics in your living room, right in front of your big picture window, with ladies dress socks on.
This will be the moment someone stops to take a flier from your sign.

Also you might want to...

NOT walk out of the bathroom with your pants undone (what?!!?) while you casually meander into the kitchen before you finish zipping. The entire walk of shame (not to mention your underpants) viewed by a stopped car checking out your yard.


Julie said...

omg, so funny. Well, not for you. But you know the people in the car were cracking up.

Anonymous said...

LOL..hysterical! The sheer granny-nightie incident, undone pants with undies hanging out, exercising in dress socks?? The neighbors might just pool together to buy your house! LOL!

Anonymous said...

And, despite the quirky timing, people ARE stopping!!! And oogling the outside of a house is the first step to wanting to go inside and buy, buy, BUY!!!!!

Mrs Furious said...

Let me also say that the underwear incident was at the worst possible time when it was darker outside then inside and I had ALL the lights on. God. I quickly scooted behind the fridge and zipped and tried to act like I was busy in there but it was, obviously, too late.

Andrea said...

LMAO this all wouldve been me!

Kiki said...

I walk around my house half undressed all the time....once when the neighborhood boys were in my side yard playing football- lovely and classy!

inkelywinkely said...


Brenda said...

Too funny! I have a thing about closing the blinds at twilight for just that reason! In my heart I know no one cares what's going on in my house, but I'm always thinking that the neighbors are watching us eat dinner, or viewing the random singing and dancing we tend to do... And the house across the street from us is for sale, so we have the s-l-o-w drive-bys in front of our house too... You can't be too careful!

Deb said...

Hot, babe. Hot.

Noah said...

After the Wonder Twins were born and Mrs Smitty and I were getting used to what it all meant, my grandma helped us by buying 6-months worth of bi-weekly house cleanings from Molly Maid. It was the only way, in the first few months, that anything got cleaned.

One day, I was horrifically sick. I stayed home. Jen and The Herd were gone. It was cleaning day, and I forgot.

I think you see where this is headed...

Mrs Furious said...

Next time you're home sick just make sure you have on a Snuggie. Then you're good to go in any situation.

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