And since I only started my blog 3 months ago it may be hard to believe that I am not this thin by nature. I fear that the lower my weight is the more credibility I may be losing in your eyes.
So I wanted to post this photo.. of course I only have a hard copy so bear with me...

I call this photo "Fat Mom".
If I didn't work hard to lose my postpartum weight this IS what I would look like. In fact after gaining as much as I did this pregnancy who knows I may have been even heavier. Because although I have never had a "weight problem" I have always liked to eat and not liked to exercise. And no matter how you put your weight on you still have to lose it by doing the same kind of work. Some women are blessed and they lose all their "baby weight" without doing anything. They can wear their *regular* jeans as soon as they give birth. Some of us will not lose our baby weight...period... unless we kick our own asses. This is my proof. Two pregnancies... two different postpartum weight loss approaches.
My "Fat Mom" picture was taken in the spring of 2003 when Kid was 7 months old and I weighed around 137 pounds. I had lost 30 pounds naturally within the first month postpartum... and then.. not another pound.
Baby is now 8 months old and I weigh 112 pounds. I am 5' 3". From day one I have been on a mission and I have lost 66 pounds (14 under my pre-pregnancy weight).
You're my hero. Where's your cape?
It's true, I have a very bony face. Though I carry the weight on my body fairly evenly: boobs and butt/thighs. Mostly thighs.
Here's a body shot of me last week: http://picasaweb.google.com/runHLrun/ArkansasTrip/photo#5124940597720945490
Oh and here's another one:
if by chance those links don't work, please don't be alarmed by the ass-bruise picture. I fell down a flight of stairs. My husband was bucked off of his horse the next day. We had competing bruises. I won.
You still don't look like 136 to me. You carry it VERY well. I mean look at my goddamn face! But of course we can always see the weight in ourselves and never in anybody else...
What is the name of the ranch you were at by the way? I grew up going to one in WY... which is out of our price range now.
Amen. I think I'm a total whale, so thanks for sayin I'm not. :)
Horseshoe Canyon Ranch. It was *amazing*. They have a stellar kids program, my nephews were obsessed with the horses.
Oooh thanks!
Just read your blog for the first time and wanted you to know your awesome. I love your attitude, the obvious love you have for your family and your sense of humour about things. I would guess by now you've already heard of and read BECAUSE I SAID SO'S blog... http://www.mom2my6pack.blogspot.com/ She may have 6 kids and be famous now but she has nothing on you, so keep up the good work and congrats on your weight loss. I'm someone that knows how tough that is.
... and keep smiling, you're beautiful when you do! :o)
lady j,
I'm in love with you! Thanks so much! Yes I have read her blog...it is actually what inspired me to start my own.
I might be blushing right now...
gosh... I'm feeling so validated I might have to go get myself another mini twix bar..
No freaking way!!
What a great contrast.
I just noticed the Mrs. Furious facts...I think you love ellipses as much as I love parathesis (I can't help it!)
I am fascinaated with the Amish too. What are the books you've read?
Katieo.. you appear to get even less sleep than I do!
Amish.. oh how I love thee! I actually want to become amish. which is completely laughable considering how lazy I am.
First outside of all the non-fiction, last winter at the end of my pregnancy I started reading those Beverly Lewis amish fiction/romance novels. These are FANTASTIC! They are soooo good they suck you right into their cheesiness! And oddly enough they are completely acurate in their Amishness. They are all kind of the same theme, so after reading 9 of them one week I kind of got sick of them.... but now I'm missing them a little.
Okay I've read every non-fiction book in the AA district library. They aren't all that different from each other. If you dont' know very much the "Riddles Of The Amish" and or "The Puzzles Of The Amish" will give you a good overview but in a kind of dry style. I really liked "After The Fire" and found it to be thorough and informative. But seriously you can learn a lot from the romance novels!
Hey there.. I just found your blog, and wowsa, you look amazing! :)
I just found your blog as well! Great job! I hope that you can keep me inspired!
Amuldoon & Cara,
Thanks guys! :)
sorry you all had to read through my crazy Amish love...
Found you today through sisterskinny.
You look great! Congratulations on reaching your goal. You're post has definitely inspired me. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, great blog!
I am also here at Katieo's suggestion--she's great at pointing out blogs I should have found by now but somehow missed.
Will definitely be back!
Hi Amber,
Thanks. And believe me if I can do this anyone can. Seriously.
If you go over to the left hand sidebar I talk about how I did it under "Mrs Furious Motivates".
Good luck!
whoa! fat mom hardly looks like mrs. furious today! you've inspired me to look for some of my own pix from 30 pounds ago... but can i find any!?
you are awesome!
Hey Eurydice!
but can i find any!?
Yeah there is a reason I only had this one slightly crinkled picture!
And Thanks
I'm gonna get you that cookie recipe in a little bit...
oh and I like your new pic it is right up my alley!
Hey Crabby,
loved your pole dancing post the other day!
Great comparison! I just found out about your blog today and will have to keep reading. I too am obsessed with the Amish. My husband is from PA so I get to see them at least once a year and have a bunch of pictures. I'll see if I can post some for you :).
Keep up the great work!
I lied.. I decided to post the cookie recipe in your comments on your blog.
Not that you ever asked for it! ;)
Oh.. Swizzlepop ...you might enjoy my public service jingle... I wrote it about Lancaster County and it is freaking hillarious!
Wow - you look great.It's so funny how bodies are so different. I am at my thinnest at 134 and even had my family "concerned" about too much weight loss. But I'm almost 5'8.
Found your blog from sister skinny.
Wow. Isn't it great to have a photo like that, so you can look back and be proud of the hard work you've done? I had some fat photos of me, but they were on my computer and I never saved them, so when it crashed I lost them. I have nothing to compare my old self.
Fun blog. I came here from Katieo's blog.
Hi p.o.m.,
yeah I carry most of my weight like a beer can around my torso and obviously my face!
thanks for stopping by :)
living to feel good,
thanks for coming over. I just went to your blog and profile. You'll be happy to know we share a love of The White Stripes and Target. Pumpkin Ice cream?... I have to try that!
You might be interested in my Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe.
well i thought about asking for it but didn't want to be a blog pest haha. thanks again for posting it. i am very excited to make the cookies. and that i can refridgerate the dough for up to three days is a huge plus!
and i've found one heavyish photo so far - but it really doesn't do the chubby me justice. maybe i'll have to find an old one and hold it up to the photobooth as well...
I've actually kept it longer than that in the fridge wrapped and then put in a ziploc. I've also frozen it in flattened discs and it has been fine.
what would I do without my beloved photobooth?!
oh I saw your costumes.. fabulous.. you really go all out... plus it appears you might be very pretty :)
oh yes, i love dressing up! and thank you ;o)
also, a question about the cookies - how many cookies can you yield from that recipe... i'll need to double or triple or... gasp... more for 90 students... plus some for me...
hmmm.. well that depends on the size of your cutter. In theory you'd get about 3-4 dozen so you'll have to triple it!
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