Sunday, October 21, 2007

Oh Please

My eyes could not be rolling any further back into my head right now. I just finished reading THIS. I'll have you know that although I believe he is suffering from a similar pain... my first thought is NOT oh poor you Mr F... no, my first thought is are you fucking kidding me?!? Seriously?! I've been dealing with this for days and have I been swearing under my breath and using my arm like a "club arm"(Mr F's words)? NO! Oh. My. God... as soon as it happened he was acting like he had been struck by lightening... and constantly trying to describe the pain to which I kept cutting him off with "YEAH.... I KNOW!! I mean he can't shut up about it or stop using his damn arm all tight fisted like a goddamn freaking club! Give me a break! If there is a God I am clearly being punished. Because not only do I still have the pain, and have had it intermittently for YEARS, but instead of getting a little reprieve, from ALL the household activities that cause a searing pain in my hand, I now have to listen to Mr Puss Baby complain about how crippling his pain is. Oh Please Mr F... a voodoo doll?... I think not.... suffering through your pain is worse than suffering through my own!


michelline said...

I see no one else wants to touch this one either.

Mrs Furious said...

Ya think? ;)

At least I got my feelings out so I didn't have to be pissed all day! ... right?

michelline said...

At least I got my feelings out so I didn't have to be pissed all day! ... right?

Exactly. Having a blog should be cathartic.

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