Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Almost Home... whatever that means

I'm packing the kids up tonight for a repeat of our adventurous trip up here... made all the more fun by taking place during dinner & bedtime... should be extra fun.
The weird part is that this will be our first time coming home to our new house... a house we really haven't lived in... a house that won't look anything like the last time we saw it. I'm not sure if seeing our furniture in it will be comforting or if it will be weird if not sad to see them in a different space. I'll let you know.


HC said...

I hope it's not sad. Wierd is probably unavoidable. I hope all the nesting keeps you busy enough to not let the sadness sink in too much, and is all else fails, walking on your treadmill out on your porch will allow you to get to know your new neighbors really fast!

Mr Furious said...

Whatever demolition is required to get that treadmill inside will happen. It just hasn't happened yet...

I need it more than Mrs F at this point. Busted bathing suit clasp? Bah. My countless busted pants buttons scoff at that.

HC said...

I see both your busted garments, and raise you a general sense of malaise and puffiness.

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