Monday, April 20, 2009

Game On

I just stepped on the scale after our 8 day trip and discovered I'd gained a WHOPPING 5 + pounds.

I know what you are thinking "Give it a week and it'll bounce back... you're probably dehydrated"

It could be that...


it could be that I ate an entire bin of animal crackers on Saturday...

1/2 a pound of Reese's Pieces eggs yesterday...

drank my beloved soda by the gallon.

I'm just sayin' I kind of lost control with all of the mindless hours in the car.

But I'm not feeling overwhelmed by this. Sure it's the most I've weighed in over a year and a half... but I've kind of needed something like this to happen to push me. I kind of needed a challenge.

So thank you ridiculous car trip weight gain.


HC said...

Same here, 6 pounds up. And I don't even have a damned car trip to blame -- I accomplished this sitting on my ass in my home!

I'm ready for a new week!

angie said...

Dude, I feel your pain...i also had a nice long car ride.

I have about a minimum of 6 lbs to from the pregnancy. Tony and I have a competition that starts TODAY. So see you over at the food diary site.

Anonymous said...

Ahh..the car ride. Where you are bored, stuck in a car with goodies at your try to practice restraint, but the time drags by...then the kids get cranky..and there's no escape..and those bags of goodies are like little pieces of "peace" that you start telling yourself that you deserve...even after the first bag is empty...

Yeah..the car ride..oh how i know thee well..

Julie said...

It's like I think all those snack calories don't really count when I eat them in the car.

Mrs Furious said...

I totally brought my A game today!

I'll be there.

"stuck in a car with goodies at your fingertips"
Yeah bringing the Easter baskets "for the kids" was a mistake ;)

I was kind of liking to think that too... until this morning...

wootini said...

I am totally there with you. I have been stuck for 7 mother-effing days at the same weight (thank you, that time of the month) despite calorie counting, keeping calories low and working out - AND being good over Easter. Argh! Shoot me now. If the scale doesn't start moving down soon, I don't know what I'll do.

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