Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mrs F Reader Opportunity

I know that a lot of you are stuck in a bit of a weight loss/fitness rut. I can relate... you know I can relate.

What you may not know is that one of my readers Staci is a personal trainer. She has an online training program that she completely customizes for each client.

It occurred to me last night why not put two and two together.

Her training program offers:

*Weekday emails (Monday-Friday)

*Personal assessments

*Goal setting (I'll see where you are and help you get where you want to be!)

*Daily support and helpful fitness & nutrition tips through access to the SUPER GIRLZ FITNESS BLOG! There you will be able to chat with other like minded women. You'll find a community of supportive women working hard daily to make a healthy change...for life.

*Check in reminders via email. Yes, I will have you weigh in weekly & measure & take pictures monthly.

*Daily Client/Trainer communication journal via email. I will send you a blank daily communication journal when you sign up. This is where your program is made or broken. Open communication between client/trainer will only help us create the best program for you.

*All programs are sent via email & in Word Document.

*All programs are payable through Pay Pal.

The best part is that I know she's not nuts... and that's she legitimate. I swear.

Seeing as times are tight I know that having a real in the flesh trainer might not be a financial possibility... heck having a gym membership might not be a possibility. Having said that I also believe that having someone tell you what to do and how to do it takes a LOT of the anxiety and stress out of starting up a new program and can make the difference between starting and meaning to start. (I mean how many times have you obsessed over what your new workout program is going to look like only to not ever start doing it?! Or how overwhelmed you feel when you don't even know how to start?) So I asked Staci if she would be willing to give you all a discount on her one month training program.

She said YES! For less than one session with a trainer (heck for half) you can get a whole month's worth of individualized training programs. If you've been stuck in a rut or stuck just meaning to start something up this is for you. She's offering 15% of her monthly program, you must sign up before May 9th to take advantage of this discount (That knocks it down from $45 to $38.25). Go check out her site and see if this might be just the thing you need to get yourself back on track.

If you are interested be sure to sign up using the Mrs F Readers Discount offer at the bottom of THIS PAGE.

If you have any questions about Staci and her training programs please feel free to email her. You can get her contact information HERE.

***** A NOTE:
This is NOT a paid advertisement. I have no investment in this service. Please do not start contacting me with a whole bunch of crap (I mean stuff) you want me to write bogus reviews of. This is a personal blog.


Robin said...

What a great idea!! Staci is so sweet. :) (and so are you, Mrs. F. What a nice way to help out a reader.)

STACI said...

Thanks Robin. blushing. :)

And a HUGE THANK YOU to MRS. F! I really do appreciate your kindness & generosity!

Mrs Furious said...

I hope people take advantage of it!

Jenny O. said...

Not to take away from Staci's services, but another idea is also to check out your local Y! Around here, recently unemployed people and many others that are in financial binds are being offered 30 days free, no strings. Just wanted to put that out there!

HC said...

Very sweet offer, but seeing as how I'm sitting at work eating bad Oscar the Grouch birthday cake, I'm really not in the proper headspace to take advantage...

Good luck Staci!

gooddog said...

I will need it after I eat all the freakin goodies out of the Mrs. F Easter giveaway box. It came today and it is WONDERFUL!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU. The kids are in heaven. I am obviously trying to eat as much as I can before hubby comes home so I don't have to share. Guess I need to step up the running now....

Mrs Furious said...

Jenny O,
Good to know!

"I am obviously trying to eat as much as I can before hubby comes home so I don't have to share. "
LOL I know that strategy well ;)
I'm glad you liked it!!

STACI said...

I just wanted to THANK YOU again Mrs. F. Your blog brought LOTS of traffic to my site & I'm happy to be "seen".

Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your help. You are a wonderful & kind woman. :)

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