Saturday, June 20, 2009

Are You Feeling It?

I've been kind of stressed and absent this past week. Our big summer trip is quickly approaching and I'm starting to have pre-trip jitters and anxiety. I'm excited to go and I know it is the right decision but this trip is a HUGE undertaking. Part of my decision to go for so long is to make all of the work that goes into coming and going worth it.

I'm leaving on Thursday or Friday of this coming week. The girls and I, packed up with my sewing machine, swim noodles, beach umbrella, bikes, cooler, books, movies, art supplies & MY COMPUTER (fear not!) will head north for 6 hours, up through TN, KY, and VA where we will spend the night (IN A DIFFERENT MOTEL) and then continue on up another 7 hours through WV and PA until we reach a small mountain getaway town of Eaglesmere. My grandmother & grandfather (along with my father and some of my siblings and cousins) will be waiting for us. We'll be there for 2 days and then we'll drive 8 hours west through PA, OH, and finally up to Ann Arbor. I'm hoping we can get a whirlwind tour of friends in (along with my Whole Foods & Trader Joe's shopping) before we head up the remaining 4.5 hours to the family cottage. (Pray for me people... that is over 25 hours of driving in less than a week!!!!!)

THEN I can unpack, settle in, and RELAX.

For 30 days.

Before I load back up and head the girls 15 hours south to Asheville.

As you can see it's a LOT. I'm getting to the point where I realize how much is really involved. Thankfully I really can load the car up with whatever I think we might need... but still... that's a lot of packing and loading and organizing (and it's hotter than hell out there!).

On top of all this we're heading out to the hardware store to pick out paint colors for the kitchen & office (Mr F claims he's actually going to get projects done this time... HA!). And we have begun rearranging our furniture. Not that I'm biting off more than I can chew or anything ;)

Even writing all this out is giving me anxiety! Plus there is all the laundry to do! And I really should clean the bathrooms!!


inkelywinkely said...

I am sure you can handle it.

You handle just as much on a daily basis, you just don't see it.

gooddog said...

I can't believe it's been a year since those "after" pictures that you posted. I spit out my drink laughing at those and how much they reminded me of my hubby (though he SWEARS he only needs his ADD meds for work).

Congrats on living in Ashville for a year, now... huh?

I'll be thinking about you. I think it's awesome you and the girls will have such a big adventure together. I bet Mr F will miss you.

PS- Will you show us around a little up there? I'd love to see some.

Michelle said...

Reading that made me anxious!

I hope you and the kids have a fabulous time.

Mr F can just come enjoy cold beers on the porch with us instead of painting!!!


Jaime said...

You are creating incredible memories and stories with your will have a fantabulous time!!

Mrs Furious said...

" though he SWEARS he only needs his ADD meds for work"
Yeah where have I heard that before?!! I would love to believe he'll actually get ONE thing done... but... I know better. I did say to him tonight "What's the chance that you'll actually just get sucked into your online crap every night and not actually paint anything?" He thinks he's got a whole month of uninterrupted time but when you break it down ADD style that is like one day for a normal person ;)

I certainly hope so! I did just get Mr F's Father's Day gifts: Throwback Pepsi and Krispy Kreme donuts! Kid picked him out a Willow Tree figurine... just what he always wanted ;)

Or maybe Superdad would come over here and paint and keep Mr F on track?!! (pretty please)

That's what is motivating me. I want them to have the same kind of big family memories that I had. They are going to have the time of their lives... they've been talking about and counting down for weeks. Kid remembers where we're going... Baby is just excited that we're going to the beach. Once I get in the car than it will become adventure mode for me and I won't have to stress so much. Mostly it's the stuff I have to do for the house before we go that is so annoying.

inkelywinkely said...

Oh, you lucky dog.. They don't sell the throwbacks outside of texas down in the deep south anymore.

NC has the whole damned company there, though.LOL.

Hubby just finished off his last mountain dew throwback.

We had a beef roast, cooked to medium, with roasted carrots, potatoes, celery, onions, and garlic, roasted asparagus, and rolls. It was sooo good. We finished that off with some ice cold seedless watermelon. We made him a card at home and wrote a special letter inside, and that is all he gets, :)

Mrs Furious said...

You are putting me to shame my friend! I was just going to make tacos...

Heather said...

Mr. F starting multiple projects = hilarious. Pete's the same way, as you know. Today I thought about making a to-do list for every room, starting with the baby's room. When I got to #10, I got overwhelmed and decided to think about that another time.


Mr Furious said...

Gah! I couldn't scroll fast enough to avoid seeing some of that Father's Day stuff!

At least this year the house is unpacked. It might have seemed like not much got done last year but a lot of my time was wasted just finding shit and moving boxes around.

Mrs Furious said...

Mr F,
excuses, excuses

Funny I thought I should make a priorities list for him in hopes that it would keep him from leaving something half done/half started only to move on to the next thing.

hicktowndiva said...

Mrs. F,
Just got back from the beach and am catching up with your blog...if you and the girls would like a place to stay in TN as you drive through, we have an separate apartment in back of our house that we keep for's fully-furnished with a kitchen and you all are welcome to it. We are in Sewanee, which is about 6 and a half hours from Asheville. It's midway between Chattanooga and Nashville.
I hope it's not too creepy for a blog reader to be all "Hey, come stay at my apartment!", but since we live in a college town, we actually rent it out fairly frequently... My parents (who have been staying) are leaving today, it will be unoccupied. Please feel free to email me if you'd like to get more info--we'd love to have you! (

HC said...

You can do it!

(You too, Mr.F -- I have faith in you! Buck expectations, yo!)

OK, I'm going back to bed now. I'm recovering from my sister's wedding yesterday and way too much jumping around to the B52's in flip flops...I don't think I have any cartilage in my knees left.

P.O.M. said...

WOW that is a ginormous undertaking, especially by yourself. But I know you will create some amazing memories with the kids! And we're all excited for you to document it so you can share it with us too.

Deb said...

Oooh... I like that Mr. F has actually signed up for projects. My husband declared this a project-free summer, so I picked out paint for our bedroom and the guest room, and have told him I will paint them myself, knowing full-well that I will start and he will step in. A woman has to do what a woman has to do.

Good luck, Mr. F! You'll be updating from your blog, I hope?

Safe travels, Mrs. F. That is a lot of work, m'dear. But I hope it's a wonderful month.

Mrs Furious said...

Not too weird... very generous! I greatly appreciate your offer and would love to meet up with you. Unfortunately we're just dipping up through TN north of here for an hour or so and won't be over your way.
Thanks so much for thinking of us.

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