Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good News

Mr F and I have settled on a plan of action. The past couple of weeks have been stressful and some words have been expressed (to put it gently).  I think we have a better understanding about how we all feel and we have been able to apply that knowledge to a good resolution.  I am feeling greatly relieved.  We all are.  

Now hopefully the procrastination can come to an end.

Today we are tackling some house projects and moving our house forward.  

Expect greatness mediocrity (or at least not trash covering the floor) out of our office... I hope.

I'm also doing a major cull on the girls' room and toy shelves in our living room... this is always a sensitive special ops project.  Thank God it snowed again and I can banish them out for a bit.  Of course when I did that yesterday I ended up being summoned to the back yard by Baby's screams... running through the snow in my socks mind you... apparently Kid "accidentally" (accidentally on purpose) hit her in the face with a large stick.  She looks like she was in an alley fight.  Thankfully for Kid she doesn't hold a grudge.  

That's all for now...

Mr F is starting on his side of the office.

Pray for us...


Torey said...

Good luck!
I'm so ready for Spring so I can do some Spring cleaning. But I need it to be warm enough to open doors and windows and banish the damn dogs outside for a long period of time. . .

Deb said...

WAIT! You guys share an office? I don't think my marriage would survive that.

Mrs Furious said...

Yeah... it hasn't been easy. I can't wait to have a new house with a basement dwelling for him. My desk is wedged next to his overflowing closet. It's not been good.

I'm trying not to panic. One step at a time.

Mr Furious said...

If sharing an office was bad (and it was), starting tomorrow, we'll be sharing a desk!!

Could be a day of infamy...

Anonymous said...

Sharing a DESK!?! That would not end well in our house...good luck!!

oh, and how I love the "it was an ACCIDENT!" excuse! (and am weirdly happy other people's kids do things like that and not just my brainiacs..)

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