Saturday, May 9, 2009

Deep Thoughts Brought To You By ABC

I was watching Grey's Anatomy the other night (are they trying to make me commit suicide or what?!!!) and the theme of the show really resonated with me. Did anyone else watch it? Did you even notice the theme?

In every episode there is a narrator. It's usually Meredith Grey but this week it was Izzy, who is terminal. The theme of the show was that the *big* days in your life are never the days you planned on being big. It isn't your graduation or your wedding... or in my case the birth of my children. The truly big life changing days are based on events you never knew were coming.

This isn't something I had to ponder more than a millisecond. I knew exactly what the biggest day of my life was.


Christy said...

Jeebus, I don't watch the show, but now I wish i did!

inkelywinkely said...

I know exactly what you mean. I have been changed by VERY simple days that had VERY BIG events I never could have foreseen.

Amy said...

The biggest day of my life is also the worst day of my life and the day that has taught me the most. It was the day I lost an 18 week pregnancy--I was all alone and it was very unexpected. It taught me that I can stay collected under terrible cicumstances, that family will always be the most valuable entity in my life, how to empathize with people who have had a major loss, how little most problems actually are, how to appreciate small things, that I really do have a good marriage, and on and on and on.
I hate that day more than I can even wrap my mind around it, but it's done a lot to shape me.

What was yours?

Mrs Furious said...

Hands down Kid's first seizure. Of course I didn't know what it was at the time... but the foaming and losing consciousness... well... I thought she passed away. And even when I knew she was alive... in the ambulance... riding there watching them work on her trying to keep her alive... well it was terrifying and I was helpless and knew I couldn't do anything but live through that moment. And then the days at the hospital not knowing if she was brain damaged ... Well that pretty much killed a part of me.. the part that takes health and life a bit for granted. And like you the change was horrific but also made me appreciate life and health in a way that I couldn't have before. But some changes aren't as good and I am definitely more anxious and paranoid about losing the kids than I was before.

Watch it online!

inkelywinkely said...

Hey I sent you a video you just HAVE to see in email, okay?

Mrs Furious said...

Thanks! That was sweet and hilarious.

inkelywinkely said...

Want me to post a link? So everyone can see what is happening out in the world today? :)

Mrs Furious said...

Hey I'm not going to stop you. It's very important breaking news. ;)

P.S. that jerk Mr F has failed to do the one thing I asked him to do for Mother's Day.

inkelywinkely said...

The bastard!

Oh, well...just turn on the news:

inkelywinkely said...

oh, well, delete that last one... I am just a backwoods idiot, can't even make a damned link. LOL.

Happy mother's day, anyhow.

Missives From Suburbia said...

I don't watch Grey's, but this idea was communicated to me a few years ago, and it's been in the back of my head ever since. I want to say I haven't had the biggest day of my life yet, which is a lot to say coming from someone who has been through the fear of wondering if her child was going to live, found out she has a brain aneurysm, and been close to two very sudden, very heartwrenching deaths. Ever since someone told me about this, I've been waiting. And, honestly, a little nervous. Is it wrong to hope that it's a good day, upon which I win the largest lottery pot in history or achieve something so inconceivable to me that it changes my family's lives for the better for generations to come? *sigh* I really, really hope.

inkelywinkely said...

Yay! It worked!

Now, you tell Mr. F that if the whole world can celebrate your being a mother, than he can, too. :)

Mrs Furious said...

Well when I was writing this and thinking about it... I wondered if anyone's would end up being positive. You know at the end of your life will the *big* day or moment end up being the most positive experience or the most negative? Only time will tell.

inkelywinkely said...

Could be a negative experience that caused a positive impact on your life. Right?

Jen said...

Happy Mother's Day Mrs. F! (And to all the mamas out there).

Claire said...

Happ Mother's Day Mrs. F - We love you!!!!

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