Kid was cute and clever and well... perfect. She was also shy and cautious. She was the kind of kid who wanted to slide down the slide on your lap. She rarely had to be told "no" more than once. If you so much as let out the quietest of gasps at a potential danger she'd never go near that [insert road, rickety gate, merry go round] again.
In contrast, yesterday, I found our dear Baby hanging from the clothing rack at Target (and yes I'm completely serious). Apparently in the 2.2 seconds it took me to bend over and read the tag on a little dress she was able to catapult herself, with Herculean strength and monkey like dexterity, out of the cart by pulling herself up the nearby clothing. Thankfully I was not 2 feet away and when I turned my head and saw her hanging there... like a mini Olympic champion... my heart in my throat and my chin on the ground... I was able to swoop her up before she smashed her head open!
Once Baby was buckled back in... shrieking and writhing... we hurried it up and got the Hell out of there. When I say Baby is crazy I mean it. She is a freaking maniac. When she started walking at 8 months we knew we were in for a little trouble. And boy does she deliver. Seriously folks I pretty much feel like I'm about to have a heart attack every second of the day. When you put her down she runs (at top speed) straight down the driveway. She can go up and down the slide by herself.... she seems to prefer to do this head first. This girl doesn't "turn around and back down" anything... she'll run right off the top step of the stairs and "dismounts" off the couch. Yesterday she was eating her snack while standing on her piano bench... on one leg. Astonishingly she has heretofore escaped major injury.
Pray for me....
When she begins to fly a la Superbaby, you'll understand all these antics. Were you perhaps struck by a meteor or laser while preggers?
My daughter was one of those really good babies too, didn't cry much, always minded and was basically pretty close to perfect. But let me tell you - she's a teenager now and we're catching it on the back end with her LOL For every moment she was angelic and easy going as a child she can be a real hormonal pain in the behind now. My youngest son is a daredevil like Baby. He knows NO fear. We caught him with a ladder the other day and when asked what he was doing he said he wanted to jump off the roof. Why? To see if the pile of leaves he raked up would be soft when he landed LOL Good luck with Baby - those daredevil types really keep you on your toes!
OMG! I think my son and your daughter were separated at birth. As my dad said "he's in for a world of stitches". I think your baby may be in for the same.
wow !!! my second one, frass, walked at around 11 months, she was army crawling so early. i recall one day when she got out the front door and down the steps - i was in the kitchen and could NOT believe she did that. and yes the running. she runs at full speed every where. she is 18 months and does the slide on her own. good luck and stay safe !!
LOL! That pic captures mischevious baby look perfectly!
My kids came out in the same order as yours... angelic-perfect-old soul one first, crazy-emotional-independent one next. They do keep you guessing. We often wonder how they came from the same gene pool!
PS Baby is pretty damn cute though!
I was the second girl and the same way. My sister was angelic, and I was a devil. My mom found me on top of the kitchen table one day (age 2) sitting under the chandelier, swinging it back and forth. :) I also recall going down a giant pool slide right into the deep end (I really couldn't swim in the deep end very well) and my Dad had to jump in with his clothes on to save me.
The good news is I've grown up to be a risk-taker and I constantly question the rules and I like to shake things up a bit. These are good qualities to have! :)
My just turned three year old is like this we have a front porch that she and her 1 year old brother play on I always keep the deadbolt lock on. Well come to find out she knows how to unlock that too as in the 2 minutes I was in the bathroom she walked out the front door and was very close to a very busy road. Luckily someone saw her and pulled over and brought her back to me but OMG!! We now have a chain lock up out of her reach as a backup so that she doesnt escape. I have a feeling that her brother isnt far behind as he sounds very similar to baby.
We just added a "rail" to our porch to keep her in... since she could hoist herself up onto the the original porch wall! I hope for your sake you only have one crazy kid in the house!
Haley, but I was under immense stress... might have been like having lasers pointed at me!
Sandcastle Momma,
lol... the jumping off the roof is Baby all the way... someone save me ;)
I fear your dad may be right. I predict an ER visit sometime this summer.... er... maybe I shouldn't say that!
"The good news is I've grown up to be a risk-taker "
As freaky as it is... I'm really happy about it for that very reason.
I sometimes wonder if Kid was more reserved because she was modeling her behavior on adults and Baby is more wild because she is modeling her's on a 5 year old. Certainly different innate personalities but she came into a much more energetic household than Kid did.
Plus I don't know if this is true for your boys but Kid feeds off of her daringness and clearly gets a little vicarious thrill out of Baby's antics!
Baby is only trying to keep you committed to your fitness goals...she's keeping you on your toes. Think of all the extra cardio!
Oh Lord have mercy. YOu are in for it! What if her daredevil ways stay into her teenage years? Eek!
Ah well, when it comes to first children being angelic, and seconds being a wee bit crazy Carolyn and I are perfect examples. Mom could tell you all about that one. However I was the one discovered at the top of the 10' ladder at 3yrs...
Ha... I actually think about you guys all the time for this very reason. Kid & Baby are totally your personality clones.
good point... I suppose I should be more grateful especially as I've hardly been working out the past two weeks.
I prefer to not think about it ;)
as my Mum says, you always get a "perfect" first child to trick you into having a second... I was the second... I didn't sleep and I literally mean that, it got to the point that I was sleeping 1 to 2 hours out of every 24, my Mum took me to the docs and got sleeping pills, yes really my Mother tried to drug me to make me sleep, somehow though I always had the weird ability of finding that pill in everything she tried to hide it in...
oh and both my nephews walked at 9 and 8 months respectively and I totally get the stress that causes, no fear, walking.. its a mess
MAN, she is cute.
Kid is like The Ambassador (maybe there is a match to be made there), and I fear a second one for this very reason. I have enough gray hair! Maybe I should start drinking coffee now, in preparation.
Feeding off each other... oh yes, don't get me started. Sometimes I have to seriously make them go into separate rooms just to have a conversation with one, because they are constantly going back and forth on virtually anything. It can truly be exhausting keeping up with all the singing, dancing, climbing, joking, and conversation... But that's the joy of siblings. Plus everything at our house is laden in sarcasm too. I often wonder how far from normal our household is. Sometimes I think it's pretty far... But then I read your blog and think, "meh, maybe we're not so far..." :)
I'm not sure we're a good comparison for normal ;)
iced coffee, 1/2 & 1/2, and sugar... there's not much there not to like ... that's how I got hooked.
sleeping pills?... wow... I've never heard of such a thing! But it sounds like your poor mom was in "survival mode"!! ;)
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