Looks like a little interpersonal conflict has it's upside:
That weight is at 6 PM people... not my usual first thing in the AM "empty vessel" weight.
Check it...
8 = Thin & Muscular = Athlete = Badass
I officially have the body fat of a man...
And the metabolism of a 12 year old...
Lucky Be-atch. First post, man am i dedicated.
Hey I knew the stress was going to either work for me or against me... happy at least one things going my way this week ;)
And that is one fancy scale! What kind is that?
will you be my trainer?
you are such a bad ass.
i ate a bag of honey pretzels in honor of your stress.
really, congratulations! That is awesome!!
LOL. See if you can get Tom's family to call you and rip you a knew one ;)
You know every time I go to TJs I think we should make a pact that we won't go there anymore.
Tanita InnerScan
I thought it hadn't been accurate lately... now I realize I just hadn't been losing weight ;)
Ok, now you're just showing off. ;)
Hey Robin,
have you thought of putting your new bikini pic as your profile shot?
Do it!
Oooh girl, I don't know about that.
See if you can get Tom's family to call you and rip you a knew one ;) Oh that's easy, all Tom has to do is let his mom know that we are seriously considering moving to Vermont. He said that if we do move that he will let his mom know as the moving van is pulling away. He was sort of serious, too. And then there's my family...I told my mom right off and she was thrilled for us even considering it.
Ahh, yes, Trader Joe's...yes, you must have noticed all my honey pretzel binges and sweet potato chips on the food diary. Hey, no animal crackers. But still, I do not know what my problem is. I do great all day and then I eat 600 calories worth of pretzel sticks. wtf is up with that? And I think I have the metabolism of an 80 year old...btw there are no trader joe's in vermont. And no Whole foods, but they got all sorts of other whole foody type places up there...in fact the whole flippin' city of Burlington is kind of crunchy like that and uber liberal. Me likey.
Okay, now I am just gabbing with you as if we are on the phone or something and probably boring everyone else. Again, I really should get up my own blog, but as silly as it sounds, that would take away my time from reading other blogs (particularly yours). Okay, that sounds pathetic...like get my own life. Yes, I could videotape my 6 year old freely use the word "ass"...makes me feel so proud. I just pray he doesn't say it in school...they won't think it is so funny. And I know he'd throw me under the bus. He also used the word "frickin" very casually the other day. Hmmm...i wonder where he learned that one. I really ought to wash my mouth out with soap. Really.
See I am acting as it this is my blog. Check, check.
Mrs.F, I'm gaining the weight you are losing, I swear, and I've completely cut back on carbs...ugh!
Thanks Mrs. F!
Holy shit I need some crazy family shit to go down once I pop this kid out and all! Im like so jealous but you totally deserve this!
Damn wish I was one of those people. :( Congrats on the weight loss. You Rock!
Great job Mrs F. That is awesome even though the catalyst might not have been!
We recently had reason to purge a whole lotta crap from our attic. And in a box of letters, I found a little thank you note from Mr F that he sent to me after Kid was born. I think I had kept it because it was an insight into the wonderful woman who walked off with Mr F's heart.
In my gift I had included something something just for you, and the note just said how really very touched you were that I thought of you and that it had meant a lot at the time, especially as we had never met and I didn't "know" you (like I do now!).
Not only did you make me feel good by really valuing something small that I did (okay, maybe that's why I kept the note!), but I think it shows you to be very open to kindness, sharing your feelings, and finding the good in people.
This is why the blog is great. That, and the fact that you are a hilarious, bad-ass, skinny girl! Keep it up Mrs F.
I have never forgotten that gift. I have actually thought of it many many times over the last few years (and not just since the blog or your comments). It may have been the most thoughtful gift I have ever received. You were the only person to acknowledge that something had happened to me. It actually made me cry... and not just cause I was postpartum hormonal (cause it actually makes me tear up now). It may have been a small gift but it wasn't a small gesture. And it was an acknowledgment that no one else had given me... and you didn't know me. I strive for that level of gift giving.
I appreciate the compliments but you are deserving of some your own self ;)
my blog is your blog ... you can always have at it.
Dude. You are awesome.
Thanks, Mrs F:)
Ok. See. I like all liked you and stuff, but that right there IS NOT FAIR.
I guess I will like you anyway.
PS - if you'd like some of your lost weight back, contact my ass.
PS - if you'd like some of your lost weight back, contact my ass.
LOL (and I'm not just sayin' that... I really did lol)
Bitch! Uh, I mean bitchin ... :)
At least something good came from that wiener of a person.
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