Saturday, January 10, 2009

Parental Guidance

"The kids are watching a muted Trauma Life in the ER?!" Mrs F yells to Mr F after stumbling into the living room.

"Oh. It must have un-paused." Mr F replies unfazed.


justme said...


today hubby insisted on changing frass's diaper when she was refusing. it was not a poop. i told him to NOT do it, let her be. he didn't listen. she had the fit of a lifetime and I HAD to deal with it b/c she wanted nothing to do with him. this was in themidst of me making dinner.

justme said...

oh and he slept in till 9am today. and i got puked on today. and he is theone in a pissy mode ???

Renee said...

ahhh men, don't ya just love them (can you hear my sarcasm)...the tv thing has happened SOOOO many times at our house...hubby doesn't have a clue that CSI is just a tad bit inappropriate for a 5 year old...and then it is my fault for not having son in bed on time.....God help him to think to turn the channel for 5 minutes or hey-here's an enlightening thought-TAKE YOUR SON UPSTAIRS YOURSELF AND READ HIM A BOOK AND PUT HIM TO BED!!!! Don't even get me started....

Renee said...

OK-last comment of the night but thought the following quote from one of my favorite authors (and the only one I get to read these days, I might add) seemed so appropriate for your situation (esp. the line-some come from behind-get it :)!!!):

"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!"
~ Dr. Seuss

I'll bring the bat on Monday:)

Mrs Furious said...

Getting puked on is never a good way to start the day!
It's always days like that when they act up...

"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind.

That is awesome... and gave me a laugh. The Dr's got my back.

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